Prioritizing & Finding Solutions

Needing a lot of this lately

*I can’t guarantee this post won’t have bad grammar/typos. Too tired to see straight.Ā 

I feel so behind on all my favorite blogs for the last two weeks. And I can certainly see my own numbers dipping too, but unfortunately this just has to be the case for right now.

The part time job (which shall henceforth be called PTJ to keep my blog as google safe as possible) is really doing a number on my schedule. The 5-10am shift is hard. Imagine how much you hate moving and unpacking all your boxes. Well yeah, that’s what we do. It’s not that I hate it, it’s just that it’s hard not to want to collapse when I come home, and I have a laundry list of things I need to do.

Let’s see…

First there is any freelance work that I have to do.

My next priority is exercising. I know I need to to this to keep sane.

After that comes job searching, and now roommate searching, which is another aggravating problem. It’s been hard as hell to find a roommate. Everyone has a fucking pet, and while my cat could probably tolerate a dog, he is totally freaked out by other cats. I just spent $60 to sign up for, because Craigslist is just too full of scams and crazy people. It’s a two month membership and I’m also checking for cheap, one-bedroom apartments while I’m at it, but to make any significant difference I need to be paying around 700-$850 in rent, which is impossible anywhere in Los Angeles.

The priority to find a roommate/find a job is fairly equal. If I find a roommate, I will feel less urgent to find a full time job. And it might be possible then to leave the part time job fairly quickly (the crazy schedule will get to me eventually, I know it). But if I find a full time job fairly quickly, then that will possibly eliminate the need to move out, and also of course have to work the full time job. I feel like I need to change my game plan as well regarding job searching, because just sending it through a job board is yielding no results.

My next priority is equal parts errands, beach volleyball, paperwork, misc. to-do list stuff.

And finally comes blogging and reading your blogs. šŸ˜¦

I sometimes wonder if my sense of desperation in these matters either makes me more productive, or is it bringing me more lack in my life. Let me try and explain.

I’m working my ASS off, and feeling like I’m getting little return. I’m putting it “out there” that I’m looking hard for a roommate and job, and trying to save money, yadda yadda. But I feel like I have to do this in order to stay on my game and not become complacent or unproductive.

On the other hand, have you ever noticed that things happen when you’re not trying hard at all? Like someone just approaches you and says, “hey we’ve been looking for someone like you at our company, wanna come by Monday for an interview?” Or that perfect person comes up to you and just happens to mention that they had a bedroom open up at their ocean-view apartment and it’s rent controlled.

I’m feel like I’m projecting that sense of lacking to the Universes, and that’s exactly what is coming back to me. But how does one chill out when they might blow through what is left of their emergency savings to pay for Sept, and possibly Oct because their producer is taking his sweet fucking time getting notes back to you? Just sayin’. Can you tell I’m cranky-pants? šŸ™‚

Or maybe it’s just the lack of sleep talking.

Thoughts? On any of this? (I’m looking at you those that just hit the like button on my posts but never ever leave a comment) šŸ™‚

13 thoughts on “Prioritizing & Finding Solutions

  1. Totally sympathize with you on Craigslist – it takes a lot of work to separate the wheat from the chaff. Hope you have some luck with the pay site!
    Don’t know If it would work for you – but is there anywhere you can post flyers? It’s old cool but it works for us findin renters by posting in the laundry facilities on the nearby university campus…

  2. It’s okay to be cranky. Everyone is entitled those days. Have you thought about taking sometime to recoup? Calm your mind and clear your thoughts? Possibly set goals of where you want to be in five years and work your backwards to start with baby steps toward that direction. This means no blogging for the day or commenting on internet surf. Let it be you and some peace time. Write down your ideas. I set time up for this. I find this to be critically important to gather my thoughts and learn from my mistakes.

  3. I feel your pain! It took us almost three months to finally rent our room, and Craigslist was no help. Posting it through our local university made all the difference – do you have any colleges close?

    Good luck, I know you’re working every angle!

  4. I see myself in your posts. I was getting crap from the universe. What the hell? I’m a good person, and deserving certainly.
    Then something changed within me in March. I took on this ‘Fuck Yeah!’ attitude and things started to change.
    I have noticed most of your posts here are slightly negative. The same old things I had been whining about for years “too little money, not enough work, don’t like my work, I’m tired.” Until you let go of the negatives and focus on the positives you are going to get crap from the universe. What ever you focus on grows. Period. What ever you focus on grows. Rather than thinking about the pit falls of finding a roommate, think about it as an opportunity to meet a new person. Don’t talk about how the PTJ drains you, talk about how you really earn your wage! Does this make sense?
    I hope this doesn’t seem harsh, it isn’t meant to be. I’m just a stranger on the internet, but I want you to know that I was in your shoes until a few months ago. Remember, you can’t always control life, but you can ALWAYS control how you approach life.

    • I do feel your pain, and I do agree with Lindsay. What we focus on expands. If all we focus on is what we don’t have, we seem to get more of that.
      Also, I did spend a summer working at one of my corporate jobs from 5 AM to 2 PM. At first I thought I would hate it, but after about 10 days I just loved it. I loved having the afternoon off and I was always in bed by 8:30 PM.
      I do have a question based on my own 6 month experience. Is it possible to do the container job full-time, at least until you get caught up on your finances?

      • Thanks for your input! I wrote a blog I’m posting in a few minutes about what you’re talking about. As for being tired, what is hard is that I have to work a full day on top of the 5-10am shift, so that’s aprox a 12-hour day. As far as full time, that really isn’t an option both because they aren’t looking for full time, and because I would be taking away from my freelance job, which essentially is $11/hour versus $65. Really no comparison. šŸ™‚ But I do have other options which I will write about this week!

  5. On things coming to you when you least expect them – yep.

    I read The Secret a couple years ago and while I don’t buy it, I definitely think there’s something to be said for projecting what you want to receive.

  6. Pingback: The Bright Side | Budget & the Beach

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