Week in Review-6/10/12

Coming to you live from my kitchen/office.

The following is a list of some good things, and some not so good things from this past week.

Not going to lie, I think the not so good might outweigh the good this week. I have been in a major funk all week, and still haven’t snapped out of it. Sigh…

The Good

1. Held my longest hand stand to date today. Felt like I could be there awhile…till I wasn’t. 🙂

2. Worked out every single day this week. 2 twenty minute interval beach runs, 1 30 minute beach run using an app I downloaded called Zombies Run (super fun!), 1 four mile pavement run (slightly hung over) using the same app, 2 Nike Training Club workouts, 1 beach volleyball training session, and beach volleyball games today.

3. I’m so effing happy So You Think You Can Dance is back on. I go through a box of Kleenex every episode. I love dance so much, especially contemporary. I really wish my parents had put me in dance when I was little.

4. Meditated every day except one. I downloaded a free app called Relax Melodies and the flute and rain combination really helps me feel calmer. I feel like I’m at a spa.

The Not So Good

1. I got the crown on my tooth on Thursday. I was just fitted for a temporary until I get the permanent crown in two weeks. The bad thing is my tooth hurts worse now when I chew. WTF? I hope that goes away when I get the permanent crown. I fear having to get pay for a root canal ON TOP of having to pay for the crown.

2. I’m totally going over budget this month. It’s only the 10th and I’m almost at my max in a lot of categories. Because of this funk I’ve been feeling this past week, my spending has been so much worse. I’m letting my guard down because I’m feeling depressed. One reason is this project I’m working on (see #3), and because I’m not really getting out.  I’m bored at home so I downloaded the entire season 4 of True Blood. I feel like it has been my escape.

I did go out on Friday to a wine tasting. I had a groupon to burn. The wine tasting was fun, and two of my friends and I went out to dinner after. Since I was drunk tipsy, I let my  guard down again and didn’t pay attention to what I was spending. Too over the limit to drive home, I had to take a cab which was $23. The next day I jogged from my house to get my car (that was the 4 mile run).

3. I’m working on a project which is awful right now. I’m just trying to get through it, but because of how badly it was shot, I’m having a hard time making it look good in post-production. I find my mind wandering off for long periods of time during the day because I’m procrastinating, and eating more because I’m bored. (wow, aren’t you glad you stopped by the cheeriest blog on earth today?) LOL!

4. Speaking of eating, I stopped tracking in myfitnesspal after Wednesday. I lost one pound during the week, and somehow seemed to gain it back (despite all that working out) this weekend.

5. It’s still looking pretty dead work wise in June. I’m still trying to be incredibly optimistic about the full time job. My old boss said it could be as early as July. Fingers and toes crossed.

6. I don’t think anything is happening with the guy I have a crush on. I made a gesture of getting together in a casual way, but I’m not sure he seemed that enthusiastic about it. Oh well, at least I know right? What’s difficult is I suspect he might be interested in a friend of mine. Tough pill to swallow. Time will tell…

Well, I hope this hasn’t been too much of a downer to read. I need a place to vent, and I love and appreciate this community SO MUCH!! I might be a little quieter on twitter this week, as I really hope to have this awful project off my plate as soon as possible!

12 thoughts on “Week in Review-6/10/12

  1. Chin up! We all have weeks where the bad outweighs the good. I loose all financially responsible will power after a couple of drinks too. One of the reasons I am going to participate in ‘Dry July’ this year 🙂

  2. Hey friend! You had a great week in terms of working out though! I want to check out this Zombies app… I hope it’s for Android too! We don’t have Nike Training Club which is a huge bummer since I love it on my ipad.

    We all have those weeks where some things are just “ughhh” so hang in there ❤

  3. I can so relate to what you are going through! Hopefully once you get this crappy project done you will feel a lot better. It sounds like you work in a really interesting field.

    I’ve tried meditation a few times but struggled to stick with it. Hope it works out well for you! Don’t worry about mr flirty. Someone so much better will find you soon!! Sometimes people just love to flirt with people’s affections. Its not nice, but it makes them happy.

    • I’m a video editor. Sometimes I like it…just depends on the project. This one is really testing me!

      Meditation has be become like brushing your teeth. Something you just do. So far this month I’m on a roll. Hope I can keep it up!

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